Growing Seed Peanuts

Plant seeds in early spring about an 1/2 -1″ deep. Dig them up sometime in October. Let the plants air dry outside. Harvest the peanuts off the dried plant and wash dirt off. Oven dry/ roast. Save some seed for planting (do not put in oven).

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Seeds For Sale 2018

4’Oclock Bluebonnets Chocolate Flower Cilantro / Coriander Cockscomb Cosmos:  tall Mexican gold Cosmos: short dark yellow Fennel German Dill Gomphrena: fireworks Gomphrena: strawberry fields Hibiscus: roselle Hibiscus: Texas Star red Honey Dew: green Hyacinth Bean: purple Hyacinth Bean: white Larkspur Luffa Marigold: French Melon: orange Mexican Sunflower Mystery Northern Sea…

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