Garden Chair


  • Appointed by the Chair and approved by the Board of Directors
  • Member of the Board of Directors (BOD)
  • Attend all Unit meetings as possible
  • Attend all Board meetings
  • Two year term beginning July 1st following appointment

General Statement: The gardens chair shall be in charge of coordinating overall interactions of the Unit with the Unit-supported gardens. It is preferential, but not necessary, that the Gardens Chair be the chair of one of the Unit-supported gardens. This shall be at the discretion of the Unit Chair.


  • Work with the chairs of the various Unit-supported gardens to provide support for activities with those gardens.
  • Shall work with the Treasurer and individual garden chairs to determine the yearly budgets for the gardens.
  • Shall submit all invoices needing payment to the Treasurer in a timely manner.
  • Purchase all supplies, turning in requests for reimbursement to the Treasurer, or coordinate such purchases to secure direct payment from the Treasurer.
  • Submit a written report at the Annual Unit Meeting enumerating accomplishments of the previous year.
  • Shall submit articles as necessary regarding the gardens to the newsletter and/or oversee that the individual garden chairs do so.
  • Shall work with the individual garden chairs to ensure that information regarding work days, educational events, and other activities in the gardens are conveyed to the Newsletter Editor and/or Webmaster as necessary.
  • As per board meeting on July, 2006 the Gardens Chairis responsible for coordinating any memorial remembrances for any Unit member or spouse thereof. It is the preference of the Board that this be some sort of living memorial, perhaps a tree, planted in one of the Unit-supported gardens. It may be a different item at the discretion of the Gardens Chairman depending upon the circumstances. The budget for such memorials must be kept within the monetary guidelines set by the Board.
  • Following the Unit annual meeting at the end of the two year term and before July 1st, you must meet with your successor. At this meeting provide transition documents and provide operational procedures to ensure a smooth transition for the incoming Board of Directors.
  • Write report for the Unit Annual Meeting highlighting accomplishments for the year.

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